更新日:2018年3月29日 News一覧

2018年3月27-29日Spring School ( スプリングスクール )を開催。

3/27(火) Game(キャンプ場ってどんな所?!)

3/28(水) Craft Art( キャンプ場をテーマに制作に挑戦!)

3/29(木)  Outside Lesson(キャンプ場へ行こう!)



(Circle Time)







【From Teacher’s Eye ~授業後の先生から一言~】

Spring seems to really have begun, hasn’t it? So which creepy, crawly creatures can we find on a campsite this time of year? What else can we find? Having learnt the words for all kinds of insects and other possible things we could see (trees, flowers, campfire and so on), the students did their best to find these on the campsite. 

“Look! A butterfly!” One student excitedly points out a colorful insect flying through the air, whilst another has found a handful of acorns. “What is this in English?” She asks. 
After exploring the campsite, pointing out big ants and small ants, finding secretly hidden Chocolate Easter eggs, saying “I found one!” along with each find, it is finally time to eat the potatoes we had prepared earlier. This allowed the students to take a peek into verbs like: to wash, to cut (in half), to wrap and to shake.
“What do you want with your potato?”
“I want cheese.” 
“Let’s eat!”
Finally everyone could go home, having explored creatures as small as bugs and things as big as trees.