更新日:2018年4月24日 News一覧

【次回の予告】2018年4月24日(火)~26日(木)『Let’s Make Pancakes!(パンケーキを作ろう!)』を開催。



(Circle Time)



(Workshop Time)




【From Teacher’s Eye ~授業後の先生から一言~】

Not only did the kids learn English this week, but they also learnt how to make sweet, puffy pancakes.
With the processes involved in the preparation and the smells that gently make their way into our senses, is this not a great opportunity to review the things we have learnt these previous few weeks?
”It smells good.” Many students agreed to this statement. Did it just smell good? Or did it also look good after we nicely decorated it with the bananas we had cut and the cream we had whipped? And what about the taste?
”It tastes good!”

It seems like this was the reward they had wanted after trying their best at reviewing their previously learnt English one to one with the teacher.