更新日:2018年6月21日 News一覧

【次回の予告】2018年6月26日(火)~28日(木)『Let’s Make Your Own Playdough! (あなたの粘土を作ろう!)』を開催。



(Circle Time)




【From Teacher’s Eye ~授業後の先生から一言~】

Play dough was invented in America around 1930 and is now used to create and model by many young children. Though originally it was meant as a wallpaper cleaner. Only years later they found out that play dough had also been used to model and so they changed the product into the one we know today. This week’s creation of play dough was not an accident. We we able to use the vocabulary we learned last week. How much water do we need to make a batch of playdough, and how much flour? Do we measure them in mililitres or grams? We found that out this week, with as result a colourful batch of play dough to play and make shapes (circle, square, star etc.) with!