更新日:2018年4月17日 News一覧

2018年4月17日(火)~19日(木)『Let’s Make A Self Portrait!! ( じがぞうをつくろう!)』を開催。







【From Teacher’s Eye ~授業後の先生から一言~】

What are we doing this week? ”What are you doing?” Is one of those questions that we come across in our normal daily lives, but how should we reply to this question?
”What are you doing?” We ask when the students happily bang the drum, pick the ukulele or dance around in the classroom.
”I am dancing.” Says one.
”I am playing the drum.” Says another.
”I am playing the ukulele.”
When the sounds of the intruments and the movements of arms and legs have come to a rest, we sit down and reflect. Which are the things we like to do? Playing the ukulele or the drum? Maybe dancing or playing games? Let’s grab an empty piece of paper and make a self portrait, surrounded by the things that we like on one side and on the other side the things we like less.